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Intro to Sui

Sui is a permissionless layer 1 blockchain designed to be both developer and user-friendly. It can support a wide range of application development with unrivaled speed at low cost.

Sui’s Key
Technical Innovations

Other Important
Features of Sui

Dynamic Fields
Dynamic fields allow greater flexibility for builders as they don’t only have to define fields as fixed types. These fields have arbitrary names and can be added and removed ad hoc. Dynamic fields also support heterogeneous types, making it possible to store un-like types within a certain object.
Various applications, such as games, make use of randomly generated numbers. Truly random numbers are important to ensure fair outcomes for app users. Sui supports the League of Entropy’s drand beacon, which delivers unbiased random numbers.
Package Upgrades
Sui smart contracts are represented by immutable package objects consisting of a collection of Move modules. Because builders require the ability to update their code and pull changes from other developers, the Sui network provides a method of upgrading packages while still retaining their immutable properties.
Sponsored Transactions
To process a transaction on Sui, a user must pay a gas fee. However, many users new to blockchains are unfamiliar with this concept and it can be a barrier to completing their transaction. To remove the friction of asking the user to pay the fee, sponsored transactions, enabled through gas stations, let the application pay the fee itself, never needing to reveal its existence to the user.
Display Standard
The Sui Object Display standard is a template engine that allows for the on-chain management of how an object displays off-chain. Display makes it possible to leave an interface unchanged while updating connected objects, eliminating extra gas fees. Of course, the Display Object can be updated as well. For example, a game might allow an item such as a sword to be upgraded. In this case, the Display Object for the sword might change.
Kiosk Standard
Kiosk is a primitive for building open, zero-fee trading platforms with a high degree of customization over transfer policies. It allows creators to issue policies with objects that give them the power to enforce any constraint on trades they desire, including royalty policies when an object is sold.
Zero Knowledge Proofs
Sui supports zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) as part of its cryptographic model. ZKP allows one party in a two-party transaction to accept a statement from the other party as true without needing additional information about the other party’s veracity.
Advanced Cryptography
Sui uses a multitude of major cryptography advancements to ensure the utmost level of security on the chain. These include attributes that allow developers to implement policy based key management without complex cryptography, enable verifiable randomness APIs, and faster proof verification.
With native supports for the OpenID Connect standard, users can create on-chain accounts with their existing web2 services that supports OpenID Connect such as Google, GitHub, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, and many other. This means users will be able to access Sui without the need of private keys or mnemonics streamlining user onboarding at scale.

Sui makes efficient use of ZKPs over OpenID payloads to protect user privacy
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Sui’s Key Economic Innovations

Sui Economy’s Participants
The SUI Token
Sui’s Use of Delegated Proof-of-Stake
Sui’s Gas Pricing Mechanism
Sui’s Storage Fund
A Note on Governance
Eventually, protocol upgrades and other Sui governance changes will be passed through on-chain voting proposals. The SUI token will give any token holder the ability to participate in this process by staking to a validator. In that way, the future decisions of the network are controlled by the decentralized community.